The Power of Planning

Are you ready in case the unexpected happens?  Not the positive changes…marriage, first dream home, perfect job.  Rather, those changes interrupt your life.

Do you have a plan in case you become ill, have issues with a family member, divorce, job changes, or living through a natural disaster? 

Being ready is a choice.  What will you decide to if the unexpected happens?  Whether a big or small life interruption having a plan means you aren’t winging it…instead you are implementing a well thought out series of steps to navigate whatever you are facing.

Join us at Plan Your Ready if you want to dream and plan with intent because change happens.

Being ready for anything is a choice.  What will you choose for your family?  Will you decide to be ready or do you prefer to wing it?

When you become part of Plan Your Ready you will learn:

  • what to collect and how to document it and safely store it. Our helpful forms make data collection easy and help you every step of the way.
  • how to test and make sure it all works.
  • how to share it with your family, particularly your executor, so they understand it and know how to use it.
  • how to maintain and update your information as needed.
  • maybe best of all, you are part of the Plan your Ready community meeting once a week for 4 weeks to give you all of the support you need and all your questions answered.

Here is what one of our recent participants shared about the program:

This program is amazing. It has helped me think about things I had never thought about, increased my awareness, and is totally customizable. You can choose what information is relevant to your situation, and the checklists and forms make it easy to complete the plan. I have already recommended it to multiple friends. Highly recommend! Barbara

A written, tested, shared, and maintained plan is not done for you. It is for all of those you care most about. It’s a way for you to plan it forward. Remember, it’s your family. It’s your choice.